Ladypitstop's Life

Letters to my Mum

4 years..

Dear Mum,

It’s 4 years……1461 days…….35064 hours…….2103840 minutes…….126230400 seconds since you’ve been gone.

I feel so sad this year, the sadness that comes from really deep inside. I so desperately would love to just hear your voice, just have a chat, just get a Mum hug.

I am off work with Mike today. We are taking the girls to school and then we are going to the Downs Mum so look out for us.

I am having a lovely treat later today and going to the spa with Karen which I am really looking forward to.

We had a lovely time in Wales, our girls get on so well with the boys. No one feels left out either which is lovely x

I am still doing my 100 happy days, today is 99… we have had a lot going on, as always.

I have used photos of Chloe when she was little to Chloe now… so gorgeous

Mike and I had the 14th anniversary of our first date and Madison and I made cookies. She had great fun washing up afterwards.

One of my leaving presents from Saga was a family photo shoot which we finally managed to do at the beach Mum. One of your favourite places. It was great fun and we have some fantastic photos.

Chloe had her birthday party, Craig did her a bushcraft party and I took Mads and Abs to the movies.

Last Saturday I took on the Rough Runner challenge with Kat (the one I jumped out of a plane with 😊). Omg Mum! We did 10 miles and 21 obstacles including the Travelator from Gladiators. It was tough but hilarious. Kat is just a machine and so inspiring. We did get a little muddy πŸ˜‚

Last Sunday, we celebrated Isabelle’s birthday and as we were all together we headed to the beach for fish and chips. It was a really lovely afternoon Mum, you would’ve loved it.

We sent you some flowers in the sea and Vics had a little paddle for you.

Our gorgeous bunch of kids Mum…..

I know you would love then SO very much. I feel sad that they are missing out on having you as a Grandma x

We also have Madison learning a dance at school

She’s practising lots, Abigail is working hard on her times tables and Chloe is working hard getting ready for the Kent Test and has been working really hard to make sure her handwriting is big enough.

Sending you so much love and hugs Mum. Please give Gramps and Grandma a kiss for me as well, I miss seeing Grandma loads xxx

All my love and heartache

Pen xxx πŸ’”β€οΈ

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